About Me
I grew up in Grundy County, about 10 miles west of Waterloo/Cedar Falls. After graduating from high school, I joined the U.S. Navy and saw the world. It was actually in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean one night that I decided I wanted to practice law.
After being honorably discharged, I went on to obtain my B.A. at UNI in 1977 and my J.D. at UI College of Law in 1980. My legal career has centered on trial work--both civil jury and workers' compensation. What makes me somewhat unique is that my trial practice has been evenly split between plaintiff work and defense work.
In 2011, I left trial work behind and have concentrated 100% on mediation work since then. I can honestly say I have not had a day of regret in making that change. I very much enjoy working with counsel and helping parties in adversarial circumstances find a middle ground that makes sense.
My wife, Lisa, and I reside in Iowa City. We have been married 40 years and have three children.